
Lucas VIP Lawn Care LLC

How Much Does Lawn Mowing Cost in Wichita Falls, TX?

Understanding the lawn mowing cost in wichita falls tx

Life can get hectic, and sometimes yard work falls by the wayside. You step outside after a few months, only to find your lawn has transformed into a miniature jungle. The grass towers over your knees, and the once familiar space feels like an uncharted wilderness. You long to simply relax in your yard, but first, you must embark on an expedition to reclaim it.

Even if your situation isn’t so extreme, keeping your lawn in good condition is a priority if you want to create a more inviting and enjoyable outdoor space and enhance your property’s curb appeal and overall appearance. That means you need a lawn mowing service. But how much does lawn mowing cost in Wichita Falls?

The Basic Price Breakdown

In my experience, most Wichita Falls lawn mowing services will charge on a per-visit basis and you can expect to pay between $20 and $40 for basic mowing of small to medium-sized yards and $40 to $60 for large yards. The lawn mowing cost may increase if additional services are required, like trimming, edging, or land fertilization.

I’ve also seen a handful of lawn mowing services break their costs down hourly rather than by acreage. That gives you some simple math to do. If you know the service charges say $25 per hour and that your lawn will take about two hours to mow, that’s a $50 outlay. My recommendation is simple – ask for the pricing model your provider uses before agreeing to anything so you know how to run the numbers for your yard.

What Factors Affect the Lawn Mowing Cost?

I’ve given you an approximate price breakdown but that assumes a perfectly flat lawn. Yours may be a bit more challenging. Slopes, obstacles, dense vegetation, and difficult to access areas can all affect how much you pay because they add time to your lawn mowing service. I’ll delve into those cost-affecting factors now.

Factor #1 – Ease of Access

Ease of access affects your lawn mowing cost because it adds time to the job. Let’s say you have an uneven lawn. It slopes up, perhaps, or you have a multi-level garden. Maybe you have a few trees or shrubs dotted around that we need to negotiate. All of these little obstacles add time to the mowing process. More time leads to extra labor and increases the lawn service cost. Of course, the opposite is also true. If your lawn is flat and open, you will spend less because your mower can fly through the work.

Factor #2 – Grass Height

Do you remember when I talked about feeling like you’re stepping out into the wilderness when you go into your yard? I’d recommend not letting your lawn get to that point. Long grass and yards that are difficult to access create more labor, which means your Wichita Falls lawn mowing job becomes a lot harder to do.

If you have a mini-Amazon jungle growing out back – think grass that’s grown over six inches – you may get charged a long grass fee on top of the standard lawn mowing cost. Let that grass grow over 12 inches and the fee is usually higher. In my experience, it’s best to start thinking about a lawn mowing service when your grass is around the three-inch mark.

Factor #3 – Lawn Size

I’ll keep this one quick because it’s quite obvious – big lawns cost more to mow. It’s the labor and time issues we’ll be facing again. We’ll need more fuel to run the mower over a larger yard, too, which also adds to the cost. Of course, a smaller or more contained yard costs less to mow, with a higher lawn mowing cost coming into play if the yard needs a whole afternoon of service.

Factor #4 – Lawn Condition

Think of this factor as if you’re cleaning up a room in your house. If you have laundry thrown around every which way and junk all over the floor, the room is in bad condition and it will take longer to clean it. Contrast that to a room in good condition (there’s some stuff on the floor but it’s an organized mess) and you see the difference.

I apply the same thinking to lawns. If your yard has diseased or unhealthy grass, it’s going to bump up your lawn service cost. Lumpy terrain can be a problem and patchy lawns will need extra care to make them even.

How Often Should I Mow My Lawn?

I tend to find that weekly or bi-weekly is a good routine for lawn mowing. Wichita Falls offers great conditions for warm-season grasses – think Bermudagrass or Zoysiagrass – thanks to average daily temperatures of 89 degrees Fahrenheit during the hot season. But that grass is going to grow fast.

A weekly service means you’re getting a lower lawn mowing cost per mow, though you’re shelling out 52 weeks per year. Bi-weekly costs more per service but you halve the amount of service needed. Total season costs may add up to a little more for the weekly service, though you get to keep a consistent-looking yard year-round. I’d go bi-weekly if you’re not too worried about the yard looking perfect all of the time and want to save some money over the year.

Additionally, some lawn mowing companies offer discounts if you pay for the full season at the start, so choosing one provider and sticking with them may save you money in the long run.

Find Your Wichita Falls Lawn Mowing Service

I have a final tip for when you’re searching for a Wichita Falls lawn mowing service:

Take a little time to chat.

Ask not just about the lawn moving cost you’ve been quoted but how the company has reached that quote. The full breakdown. They should talk about things like lawn size and hourly rates (depending on which they charge by) and will also tell you about how the factors I’ve covered here come into play. I find that anybody who’d be cagey with that type of information may be giving you a raw deal. So, talk and ask questions – a good landscaping or lawn maintenance company will always be happy to answer them. 

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